"Dalmatia" Cluster of health tourism of the Split-Dalmatia County

The cluster of health tourism of the Split-Dalmatia County will unite the health services and tourism sector. It is a health-tourism product that offers medical, dental, cosmetic, surgical, implantological, oftalmological, anesthetic and therapeutic treatments as well as rehabilitation. What the cluster will be based on is the quality of life of people, the strengthening of tourism in the region and the promotion of the tourist offer of the Split-Dalmatia County. The demand for health services from abroad in Dalmatia is year by year more pronounced, so the cluster of health tourism of the Split-Dalmatia County is a product that will give tourists everything they need in one. And the necessary medical rehabilitation treatments and diagnoses, as well as tourist offer and services. At the same time, health tourism proved to be excellent for promoting and strengthening the economic development of the region, but equally well used for improving employment in the Split-Dalmatia County. Clustering Dalmatia as an idyllic region for this kind of tourism because it abounds in attractive destinations and amenities for tourists, and also clustered the top dental, medical and tourist experts. The objective of the health tourism cluster of the Split-Dalmatia County is to strengthen the position of a member of the international market for health tourism services and to improve services in health tourism. The cluster idea is to bring together health, medical and tourism sectors, all in order to create a recognizable health-tourism product at the local and international level. Also, the idea is the co-operation of these three sectors, which should follow the world trends and complete the offer of health tourism. The cluster vision is to make Dalmatia recognizable by offering health services and tourist attractions. The cluster unites it in one and improves the bid of both sectors. While the mission is to improve the quality of health tourism offer and promote Dalmatia as a health destination, and the Split-Dalmatia County as an attractive tourist destination to come from abroad for medical-specialist surgery and rehabilitation.

Cluster structure

Polyclinic MakeOver
BGold Luxury Rooms
Polyclinic Obad
Medical Institution - Priska Med
XII Century Heritage Hotel
Gray Line Tours
Stella Croatica

Micunovic medical


  • Leading public and private health institutions
  • Tourist boards of the Split-Dalmatia County
  • Hotels and tourist agencies

The cluster in its program offers: